Strengthens the business ecosystem generated around the standing forest.

Inclusive Community Economies

Inclusive Community Economies
Inclusive Community Economies
June 2021
End: June 2024
Develops and strengthens the açaí production chain in the communities of Bailique and Beira Amazonas, in Amapá, with support for product certification, a factory for pulp production, expansion of the portfolio of products with higher added value, support for the maintenance of schools and qualification of young people and women. In addition to increasing the income of local families, the project aims to consolidate an inclusive bioeconomy model, which can be used for other chains.
Amapá(Bailique and Beira Amazonas communities)
In progress
Production of açaí pulp in tons 1,225 ton;
Water treatment system prototypes: 3
Certifications: 7

Unlocking Rural Credit for the Forest Bioeconomy

Unlocking Rural Credit for the Forest Bioeconomy
Unlocking Rural Credit for the Forest Bioeconomy
Start: June 2021
End: June 2023
It combines technical guidance for sustainable production and development of local capabilities with facilitating access to the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Pronaf) through the network of credit activators, trained technicians with great knowledge of the territory to improve production and increase the income of family production units (extractivists, traditional communities, fishermen and family farmers) and the qualification of productive activities, in sustainable value chains, linked to community businesses (cooperatives or producer associations).
Acre (Rio Branco),
Amazonas (Caruari),
Amapá (Bailique), Pará
Altamira, Belterra, Breves,
Curralinhos, Novo Repartimento,
São Felix do Xingu, Medicilândia, Porto de Moz, Tucumã), e Rondônia (Ji-Paraná).
2,500 families benefited;
80 thousand hectares under technical guidance;
101 trained technicians;
R$20 million in credit granted;
15 organizations linked to CrediAmbiental (technical assistance program that combines the development of local capacities with increasing financing)

Indigenous Hands, Standing Forest

Indigenous Hands, Standing Forest
Indigenous Hands, Standing Forest

Start: August 2022
End: January 2024
The project is focused on strengthening the nut value chains, crafts and promoting the seed network for forest restoration, promoting good practices, infrastructure, technical assistance and access to new markets.
Indigenous Lands located in Rondônia and Mato Grosso
Promote forest conservation of 4.5 million hectares;
675 thousand hectares of chestnuts under good management practices;
Reach 100 indigenous economic initiatives;
Benefit around 650 families;
Increase of around 20% in production in the nut and craft chains;
25% increase in the participation of young people and women.

AMAZ Impact Accelerator

AMAZ Impact Accelerator
AMAZ Impact Accelerator

Start: June 2021
Termination: December 2030
2nd semester of 2021
Coordinates a blended finance investment fund to accelerate and leverage forest businesses, stimulating the entrepreneurial environment and supporting investors.
Around six businesses are selected per year that generate a positive impact on the Amazon, contribute to keeping the forest standing and, at the same time, increase income for the region's populations.
Impacted Families: 10 thousand
Businesses supported: approximately 30
Indirectly conserved area: 5 million hectares

Fair and Sustainable Fishing

Fair and Sustainable Fishing
Fair and Sustainable Fishing

Start: June 2021
End: June 2026
The project, carried out in partnership with the Carauari Producers Association (ASPROC), seeks to boost local income for community businesses focused on the sustainable management of pirarucu.
Arapaima management is carried out by traditional populations in the Amazon in Conservation Units (CU), Indigenous Lands and territories with Fishing Agreements, authorized by the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources.
Amazonas, in the municipality of Carauari, Itamarati and, in the areas of Resex Médio Juruá and the Uacari Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS).

Amazon at home, forest standing

Amazon at home, forest standing
Amazon at home, forest standing

2nd semester of 2022
Collective that promotes sustainable production chains and impact enterprises that seek to promote market access for Amazon socio-biodiversity products.
Amazon local
Develop the business model of the collective of Amazônia em Casa, Floresta em Pé brands, so that it becomes a systemic and sustainable solution to boost sales and market access strategies for Amazonian enterprises.

Resex Education

Resex Education
Resex Education
1st semester of 2023
The objective of the project is to develop a Technical and Professional Education Program for young people in Extractive Reserves and a pilot project for young people living in the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve (Resex).
The expected impacts are:
Vocational educational training as an incentive for young people and future generations to remain in Resex
Expansion of economic opportunities for extractive reserves, guaranteeing income generation through insertion in the local and regional job market and encouraging entrepreneurship with the use of available natural resources.
Amazon Extractive Reserves and Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, state of Acre.

Forest Panel

Forest Panel
Forest Panel
1st phase - completed
End of 2nd phase:
December 2023
Data panel that gathers and integrates information on three production chains in the Amazon forest: açaí, cocoa and babassu. The initiative's database was developed based on statistics collected over 35 years, between 1986 and 2021, by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The most user-friendly panel allows you to view the production value, quantity in tons and region. It is also possible to compare the evolution of different Bioeconomy products in Brazil over time.